Robotic Surgery


*Da Vinci Xi
Intuitive's most advanced instrumentation, vision and features such as integrated table motion. The da Vinci Xi is versatile and flexible, with setup automation and guidance that promotes OR efficiency. It provides multi-quadrant access and is used for a variety of complex procedures.

Dr. Patching started the general surgery robotic program at Sutter Medical Center, Sacramento and was the first surgeon in California to complete a robotic operation
using the Intuitive Surgical Xi robot in 2014.

Steven Patching, MD

robotic surgery
With robotic surgery, there is not a machine operating on you. The robot is simply an interface between the surgeon and the surgical instrument, allowing for more precise movements and it allows the surgeon to see in 3 Dimensions (depth of field), not simply 2 dimensions as seen on typical TV screens. In addition, with the technology’s unique engineering it leads to less pain than what is typically experienced with standard laparoscopic surgery. When robotics is used, most major surgeries allow the patient to be discharged from the hospital in less than a day.
Dr. Patching was the first surgeon in California to perform a laparoscopic operation using the Intuitive Xi robot in 2014. He was the first surgeon at Sutter Medical Center, Sacramento to perform general surgery cases utilizing the robotic technology. He has partnered with Intuitive Surgical Corporation in the development of the revolutionary Intuitive Surgical Single Port technology, as part of the team refining the robotic function in Sunnyvale, California.
Book an appointment with us today to see if this advancement is applicable to any general surgical issue you or your family may have.
robotic surgery
Pioneers Most-Advanced Surgical Robot in California
Dr. Steve Patching, first Surgeon in California to complete surgery using Advanced Robotics
